【同义词辨析】 2019-04-01 坚强strong-tenacious

strong: may imply power derived from muscular vigor, large size, structural soundness, or intellectual or spiritual resources: a ~ desire to succeed.     vigorous活力,指能够长时间地活动,健壮鲜活undepleted and undiminished capacity for activity, robustness and freshness, 如still vigorous and sharp in her seventieth year她70岁时仍然敏锐有活力)

stout: suggests an ability to endure stress, pain, or hard use without giving way: wear ~ boots when hiking.   (give way=yield表示物体在压力下变形或人在压力下让步,如a mattress that yields to pressure垫子在压力下变形)   结实的靴子

sturdy: implies strength derived from vigorous growth, determination of spirit, or solidity of construction: people of ~ independence.

stalwart: suggests an unshakable dependability and connotes great physical, mental, or spiritual strength: ~ supporters of the environmental movement.

tough: implies great firmness and resiliency: a ~ political opponent.   resilient指有韧性弹性,外力折不断,能恢复原状。tough表示强韧firm and resilient,既结实又有韧性,特朗普有本书叫time to get tough,他对中国的态度可以用tough形容

tenacious: suggests strength in seizing, retaining, clinging to, or holding together: ~ of their right to privacy.     (tenacious坚持to hold onto something like a dog with a bone像狗紧咬骨头一样不放,可以指坚持要求或理想目标。这个词来自词根TEN表示抓to hold,如tenable站得住脚的,tenure任期、终身教授,tenant房客,lieutenant副手中尉,tenet主旨,都来自这个词根"抓")

strong强壮强大: 指有力量,如肌肉发达身体健康心志坚强,stout结实: 表示能承受压力痛苦耐用不变形,sturdy坚强: 指身体结实意志坚强,stalwart坚定: 表示坚定不动摇,具有强大的身体思想精神力量,tough强韧(褒): 指既坚强又有韧劲,tenacious紧紧坚持: 指用力抓住不放  

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSSSTT想成试试他<==是否坚强


         3)坚强的意思是有抵抗力承受力mean showing power to resist or to endure.首字母SSSSTT想成试试他<==是否坚强